I was wrong.. here is my confession, I’m Weak. So for maybe a minute or an hour or for however long it takes before my pride take over once again, I’m going to be okay with not being okay. And I’m going to say that i miss you and I’m going to admit that i stood in front of your house for over an hour tonight just because all i wanted all day was a chance to see you.
You don’t survive in me
because of memories;
nor are you mine because
of a lovely longing’s strength.
What does make you present
is the ardent detour
that a slow tenderness
traces in my blood.
I do not need
to see you appear;
being born sufficed for me
to lose you a little less.
Yes, I left that door open for your return
But now I know the truth, just go and let me grieve
Don't look back; I am no longer your concern
Just close the door behind you as you leave.....
transliterating to words : I'm singing close only to your ears;
I'm speaking only to your heart;
I'm a visual treat only to your eyes;
I'll close my eyes only in your lap;
FYI - I know I can do a better job than this.. but it was just a midnight madness ;)
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