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Its 2015!

| Wednesday, December 31, 2014
2015 starts
with warm new years wishes
thanks for your support
a basket full of happiness
from the bottom of my heart!!!

Its 2015!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Wednesday, December 31, 2014
With 0comments


| Saturday, December 27, 2014
Ten years ago I began my blog. With hope to write at least one post a day, thinking daily inspiration would be around the corner. But as per usual, side tracking occurred. I was inspired and blog ready for the first six years, then after some life set backs, I began to slack. The inspiration wasn’t constantly present; I wasn’t remembering to go online and blog daily. It happened, change. So what?

Just as much as we don’t want things to change, they do. As much as we don’t like tough times, they happen, they are necessary. Things will shake us up, change us, steer us on some new, unknown path. It will happen, so just let it happen. We can fight change, be depressed, and suppress it. And for what? The more we push, the harder we will get hit.

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why I recommend it daily.

I’ve come to realize, just because I wasn’t inspired and didn’t blog every day like I had intended, “A quote every single day…or at least every week...” doesn’t mean I’ve failed. It doesn't mean I suck and should give it. No. It is what it is. Inspiration will come and go. We just need to stay motivated. I can pick up, exactly where I left off. Feel what I'm meant to feel, each day as they come.

My feelings will continue..


Posted by : Jegan
Date :Saturday, December 27, 2014
With 0comments

Year away from 35!

| Monday, December 15, 2014
At 34, here I am trying to temper my friendships with wisdom, and temper my wisdom with friendships :)

Year away from 35!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Monday, December 15, 2014
With 0comments
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