Then the popular song by Coldplay goes;
Please, please, please
Come on and sing to me
To me, me
Come on and sing it out, out, out
Come on and sing it now, now, now
Come on and sing it
In my place, in my place
Were lines that I couldn't change
I was lost, oh yeah
The quote above and the song that follows are the state of my mind now...We've had different experiences and have different opinions and perspectives. That being said, we respect one another enough to value those differences. I have insights. ;-)

I find that people who are raised pragmatic tend to have a healthy value system, and a conscience. They tend to be more apt to be givers, rather than merely takers. Most of my best friends, the people who have stuck with me through thick and thin, fall into this category. To be a giver you have to understand and to understand you have to question.
Personally, I could not imagine being with someone who is absolutely dogmatic and beyond reason. I am happy with someone who is pragmatic, who could maintain a little perspective, and not force me to conform to their beliefs. As many close to me would agree, I won't force anyone to conform to my beliefs.
I think that, for all the lip service paid to being open minded, it is actually a very rare quality. The most human of all character flaws is ego. Ego says that what is mine is right, and must be protected at all costs. Any affront to my ideas or my beliefs, is a personal attack, and so forth. And, as much as I'd like to believe that I'm somehow better than that, even I slip into that pattern of thought.
On those grounds (ego) alone, I think that it is some what difficult for two people who have diametrically opposed viewpoints, to carry out a healthy relationship. I'm certainly not saying it can't happen, only that it is difficult. There are many aspects which makes a healthy relationship, to me open communication and honesty is one the most important aspect. It is because I can share my doubts with you without hurting you and vice-versa, I know we will have a beautiful future together.
We're often told that opposites attract, but I don't think that's true. I think we look for people who tend to share our way of looking at the world. We feel a kinship with them, and a bond. It is all the ways that we are alike that draw us together. Difference fosters understanding and tolerance, a crucial piece to solve our puzzle.
The next track on my win amp goes ; Tu hi re tuu hii re tere bina main kaise jii'uun aa jaa re aa jaa re yuun hii tarpa na tuu mujhko..
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