I’ve been scrabbling for words lately, trying to find the head space between being stupid busy at work and mood swinging in my head. I’m full of thoughts-almost to bursting. To the point where I can peel through them. I feel like an onion with layers, some moldy and rotten, some remaining sweet and fragrant. But a stable onion, able to point and shoot in the right direction, my sulfuric acid won't go to waste. I am peeling my rotten past away to expose my sweetness, I know you will understand with time, time that I will make for you my friend(first).
A fwd from an old friend I like to tell myself, here I share:
You own it. You can make it happen. Anything is possible. There *is* a magic pill – yes it works, but only…
You’re ready and willing to make the changes.
To take responsibility.
To own your processes.
To do the do.
I’m not going to fix you and I’m not going to do it for you. (Only you can do that.)
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