Animals with only five senses have the wisdom to go about with just their natural instincts. The gut feeling/intuition.But yet we have chosen to ignore that for the most part and be influenced by the delusional surroundings. My questions to my good friends of Casey haters is this:
Were you THERE? Did you see it happen? Were you an eye witness to the events that lead to that little girl’s death? Who do you think you are to pin that on someone else? Who are you to determine guilt after a jury of twelve people did their job and came to a verdict of innocence?
Now, secondly do you not believe everyone is entitled to their opinion? Or do you not agree to the system which indicates that the presence of a jury removes anyone’s right to be the final judgement?

The above questions are very crucial to determine anything. I do not need to tell you that it’s easy for everyone to point fingers at others and judge them from a distance. Please stop the stoning!!!
None of us knows what went on when that child passed. None of us has the right to point fingers of blame now that the judicial system has done what it was designed to do. There is a price to pay for the freedom we enjoy in this country, sometimes a most likely guilty party walks, it sucks but insures us if we were wrongly accused we have a fair trial. Is this system right? In someways I will say it is much better than some other systems our fellow brothers and sisters from the other parts of the world follow: read: But still, is our system fair? That will be a whole new subject that I would love to debate/discuss with whomever. But for now I rest my case.
Let us all be our own judges. At lease until we perfect Advaita!
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