"What about free will?" bursts Damon, in a fit of bewilderment. Terence explanation to that (in the movie of course) is that they've tried free will, but humans have a tendency to screw things up when left to their own devices. "We (the adjustment bureau) brought you to the height of the Roman Empire", explains a deadpan Terrence Stamp. "Then, we stepped back. We watched as you destroyed yourselves; the fall of the Roman Empire, the dark ages. Then we came back in, and gave you the Renaissance, the Enlightenment. Then in 1910, we stepped back again, and watched you descend into World War I, World War II, and then bring yourselves to the brink of destruction with the Cuban Missile Crisis. Since then, we've stepped back in, before you altered the plan so irreversibly that even we wouldn't be able to save you". A very interesting scene indeed! In essence according to the movie, the supernatural bureau went back and forth between controlling human behavior and giving us the false hope of free will.

"The world is immeasurably better because of Steve," Apple sighs—of course—but I see no major media outlets questioning this PR statement. I wonder and question; what bout the the fact that he was an intense control freak who reamed out underlings. His screaming abuse of his employees. Yet, the tenor of all these memorials is that his genius excuses such behavior!! Genius?? I guess it is indeed the bureau working their magic here!
Let us get one (one of the most important) point clear first; Jobs was not an engineer or inventor. More than anything, he was an entrepreneur, a designer, and a master of branding. I do admire and will give him credit for creating a brand name but nothing more. As matter of fact, I think Jobs and all his ijunk are one of the excessive, amazing examples of capitalist marketing and brainwashing.
Now, let us look at what Mr. Jobs really did; First and foremost he actually cost the US many jobs lost. Most of his ijunk's were manufactured outside of US in a third world country to save on production cost.
Secondly, he is one of the cause for enslaving millions of people around the world to little electronic devices that they don't need while destroying real, meaningful social contact. Every time I walk into social hub or a restaurant, all I see is group of young people sitting together but not talking or even looking at each other but busy staring at the little piece of plastic and wires in their hands... chatting with their imaginary virtual friends! The start of antisocial insanity begins there!
Thirdly, he was a business man who had no or very little concern for the environment; All ijunk products that everyone loved to buy eventually ended up in a landfill after they became obsolete in a year or two. According to Apple, they also produced 14.8 million metric tons of CO2 annually!!!
Fourthly, this can be argued as ones own interest but I choose to; thus: Despite being worth $8.3 billion, Jobs has had zero public charitable donations. Yes, there is always the possibility that he gave anonymously but I highly doubt that considering his personality. Check this out for a kicker; Jobs, an adopted child himself, had an illegitimate child and for two years, though already wealthy, he denied paternity while the mother went on welfare. Jobs even swore in a signed court document that he couldn’t be Lisa’s father because he was “sterile and infertile, and as a result thereof, did not have the physical capacity to procreate a child.” A blood test later proved he was the father and he did begin making payments. Job’s fertility miraculously returned as he fathered 3 more children. Do you get my personality match now??
Though there are a few more facts I can come up with in the end Mr. Jobs did have friends, a family, and colleagues that I’m sure cared very much about him. And I do send my condolences to them as I would to anyone who lost a loved one. I do not revel in his death or in others mourning of him. Everyone is entitled to their own feelings in lieu of another human’s passing. There is no second opinion to that, however I am just blown away at the magnitude of control the adjustment bureau has on our world!
On the contrary; we lost Mr. Dennis Ritchie (even I never knew of till my brother mentioned), the creator of the “C” programming language and one of the men largely responsible for Unix, around the same time. Unlike Mr. Jobs, his contributions to the computing world are the real deal. Without him there is no Steve Jobs! Yet the media and many of its followers choose to shout out " our HERO Steve Jobs " instead!
Here is one quote out of the many (mostly ridiculous) Jobs quotes I've seen this past few weeks, that is somewhat interesting to me, something he once told Steven Levy: "I’m a big believer in boredom.... All the [technology] stuff is wonderful, but having nothing to do can be wonderful, too.”
I find it interesting as somehow I feel he did make many do just that!! Then again that's exactly what Dyson did. It's exactly what Microsoft did. Think about fate and predestination for a moment. Do you live your life thinking that every step has been mapped out? If that were the case, why bother to do anything? Do you think that your overall destination has been decided, but it's up to you how you get there? Which would at least give your actions some meaning. Or do you think that everything is random and there's no reason or purpose behind anything we do? Does the word DESTINY make any sense? Well these questions will come into play as you watch The Adjustment Bureau or read the media on our Her Mr. Jobs. What ever it may be, know this; We are all strong enough to define destiny, as LOVE will conquer all. I loved the movie as much as I love Mr. Jobs passion for business. But please do understand that you have your life in your hands not elsewhere!
quote from another one my discussion but it would fit here... We are led to believe that the choice is ours. But it's given is by the choice maker and thus leaving us with no choice...as for Mr Jobs. Yes he deserves credit and recognition but not to the extent it was given. It's my personal and humble opinion as well.