Every direction I turn, I see, faces, all colors and shapes, filled with pain and hope and joy and desperation. And I ask; What can I do? But, listen to the truth, then act. I challenge you to stop making choices based on the experiences of others. Make the choice that is true to you.
Take the initiative to discover the best path for you – even if it isn’t your original plan. While it may seem overwhelming, this is the best time to find what you’re passionate about. Take a chance, and believe in yourself. Your future starts here, jump in.

This particular scene made me wonder; among many things, and because I thought of you today, I can't help but approach this concept of perfect balanced system would be the cause of its breakdown to that of a relationship. Take LOVE in the context of Matrix;
It is all about our choices; Love, among many is funny and relationships funnier. Though many will disagree I believe consistently we tend to fall into relationships that are harmful to us and present a pattern that we know quite well. Disclosure; When I came upon the idea and opened an discussion with a fellow friend I was told that I have a morbid idea of relationships!! So, save your breath and read on if you will and I will tell you how that’s not so true.

So, going back to the Matrix styled approach; If I say that before you begin a relationship you have the choice between a RED PILL and a BLUE PILL you may think I’m crazy. But think deeper ( for those of you who have seen the Matrix)… if we actually and truly had to dissect it; the BLUE pill represent something of a cycle, types of relationships that you are use to, whether it be the traditional chasing someone who looks a particular way; have the same shallow interest as those partners you have chosen before, or just basically you buying into what Pop-culture tell you your love-interest is suppose to be. The RED pill representing something new, enlightening, someone that can help you grow that is not very much part of the pop-cultural fabric or unique enough to be an individual, who has ambition, drive and strives to be a better person.
Most of us, and I have been guilty of this, usually will choose the blue pill to go down that familiar road, knowing full well the chances of its failure based on obvious variables are in the 90 percentile range; still yet we go there. But why? Are we so afraid of the unknown or afraid to deviate from a path that our friends may not readily accept? Do we feel an invisible need or force that puts pressure on us to continually box ourselves within the Love-Matrix? Or instead, are we so guided by the glitz and fluff of the media and celebrity life styles that we trade in our own emotional, love compass for what we think theirs are?
It’s ridiculous enough that relationships in most societies of ours are hard as they are… but its even more ridiculous that some of us get an epiphany which shows us clearly that a particular pattern will not work for us. Yet, we try and try and try futility to make it work only because the knowledge that was produced in our minds by the media, (radio, reality-TV, music videos, magazines, etc) has so etch in our psyche a concept of LOVE and the person who should love, that does not correspond to the actual tenets of traditional love. This throws us into the Matrix cycle which repeats and repeats itself much like the remainder of that equation, until our Trinity or Neo comes to save us…
I think one should always remember that we won't be simply saved unless we at least try to break away from those that influences us to form our relationship and come to terms with the person you want to be with in the long term future. Then only will one be able to choose the best person for him/her now and avoid too many taxing cycles. Strive for a balanced equation, it does not matter if others approve of it; what matters is that the equation works for you and brings a measure of harmony to your life.
And while you do, please don't forget to ENJOY yourself!
p.s watch Matrix :)
Very deep & interesting :)
ReplyDeleteWell, how deeep is it?? 5, 10, 15 or 20 feet?? LOL! Anyways what happened to the romantic dinner I told you about??
ReplyDeletehmm...that is a kaenae kaelvi so I wont be answering it. What romantic dinner? Huh? who u talking to? loosu.
ReplyDeleteAdi Paavi??!!! Remember I told you to put together a surprise romantic dinner for your hubby!U r the biggest LOOSSU!!!!! lol
ReplyDeleteIppo athu onnu thaa koraechal. Least bothered. I cant be the one making efforts all the time. And yes, thanks for the reassurance that I'm a loosu by typing it out in CAPITAL letters! IDIOT! ;)