Newest Post


| Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year! We’re all starting the year with a clean slate, so forget those niggling little problems you’ve been dwelling on, get rid of that old baggage you’ve been carrying around, and concentrate on the good things in your life. I hope that 2013 holds much love, happiness, and good health for you and yours.

Till the next time, I will leave you with the quite below:


Posted by : Jegan
Date :Monday, December 31, 2012
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Top 5

| Thursday, December 27, 2012
My quick list on my Samsung Galaxy Note II now tops with ARR’s music, after a while I must say. Well, it is not an exaggeration if I say that Nejukulle from Kadal is the new silence in my life. My ears are filled with just that and nothing else, except when I have to meet the obligations of mankind, you know, like listening to them when they talk. Sakthi Shree Gopalan does a very neat job.

Haricharan follows up his astounding rendition in Aiyaiyaiyo aanandhame (Kumki) with a blow-the-rafters-off vocal performance. Mr. D Imman's orchestra is very grand. It is quite different yet classical.

Ennodu Vaa Vaa is followed that sustains the long lasting interest for this playlist altogether. This song is absolutely groovy carrying a slight funky touch in the charanams, beautifully sung by Karthik. Absolute stunner this song is, however reminds me too much of Nilavu Paatu from Kannukkul Nilavu. How I miss Hariharan!

D Imman returns to do a solo rendition of Onnum Puriyala, and pulls it off beautifully. The orchestration is equally brilliant here, taking on a Illayaraja-esque quality in places (particularly felt that with the usage of chorus in the second interlude) and the first few picks on guitar.

The last song of this top five closes with Vennilave. Though the typical slow song to relax your mood by Harris. The delayed flute intrudes makes it quite interesting to continue listening. Hariharan and Bombay Jeyashree's renditions wins it into the top 5.

Top 5

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Thursday, December 27, 2012
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Still Smart and Sexy!!!

| Sunday, December 16, 2012
I turn 32 in today and I am making 32 seem sooooo damn young. So cheers to a sexy Birthday!
Wow - seriously? Where did the time go? I am so embarrassed that I have neglected my blog so much! No worries! Today I have some for you - Today I'm turning 32 it added one more year of experience to my life =)

I was just recalling the things changed in past one year and I learned few valuable things which will help me forever! I can really sense the changes as I'm growing .. changes around me, in me, my mindset, my outlook, everything changing =)

So, I really am 32!!!! It's true.  Let's talk about that for a second.

What is so wrong with getting older?  What is so wrong with aging with grace?  Why do we fight SO HARD against gaining a number?  I've been guilty of that.  I think I was just whining a few weeks ago about not wanting to turn 32.  But, why?

I've been thinking a lot about this lately.  For myself, I know the answer.  Somewhere in my head, I've decided that 32 means you are officially matured a grown up.  Not that I'm against being an adult, but I've been scared of personal expectations that I've put on myself... which is silly.  I love where I am in life.  I love my family, I love my friends, I love my pooches, I love my job, I love my blog, I love so many things about my life, why in the world would I want to make myself feel bad about the handful of things I have not yet accomplished?  So silly.

I will never stop at 31.  I will never lie about my number.  I will wear it proudly, embrace who I am, and be the best young guy I can be.

My plan for the day: I want to be free of thoughts and tensions on just this one day.! Nothing on my mind...absolutely nothing.

Still Smart and Sexy!!!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Sunday, December 16, 2012
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Jefferson's America

| Friday, December 14, 2012
The last speech Brad Pitt hit a nerve with me here it is....He is watching Obama give his speech when he 1st got in.

Barack Obama (on TV): reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that, out of many, we are one..

Driver: You hear that line? Line's for you.

Jackie Cogan: Don't make me laugh. One people. It's a myth created by Thomas Jefferson.

Driver: Oh, so now you're going to have a go at Jefferson, huh?

Jackie Cogan: My friend, Thomas Jefferson is an American saint because he wrote the words 'All men are created equal', words he clearly didn't believe since he allowed his own children to live in slavery. He's a rich white snob who's sick of paying taxes to the Brits. So, yeah, he writes some lovely words and aroused the rabble and they went and died for those words while he sat back and drank his wine and f***** his slave girl. This guy wants to tell me we're living in a community? Don't make me laugh. I'm living in America, and in America you're on your own. America's not a country. It's just a business. Now ******' pay me.

I think he is bang on with is all a con, thoughts?

Jefferson's America

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Friday, December 14, 2012
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Life of Pi

| Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The book was called un-filmable not only because of the technical challenges but because the way the story plays out; there are large portions where nothing significant happens and how do you keep expressing what a boy is feeling. However, master filmmaker, Ang Lee brought it alive on the big screen and in a way one couldn’t imagine. Life of Pi is not only visually stunning but is a deeply moving film that despite all the technical wizardry is far from the usual holiday blockbusters.

For those not aware of the story, Life of Pi is about a 13-year old Indian boy, Piscine Molitor Patel aka Pi, from Pondicherry (now Puducherry) who is born a Hindu but is also Muslim and Christian. He believes in God and sees a kind soul in everyone… even wild animals. He loses his family in a ship-wreck and finds himself in a lifeboat with some cargo from his father’s zoo – a zebra, an orangutan, a hyena and a tiger (Richard Parker). The rest of the story is about his amazing journey, survival and faith in God.

Life of Pi is full of questions that the movie does not seek to answer. While we might want a filmmaker to plant a flag, point to a path, Ang Lee gets the viewer to do the soul searching. Ravishingly gorgeous visuals are embedded in an electrifying saga that tests human endurance and is anchored in bonding with other forms of life. This bonding that occurs at the level of the soul (Pi believes animals have souls you can connect with), and if one does not believe in soul, than the bonding that occurs through the senses. When Richard Parker walks off unceremoniously into the jungle, towards the end, Pi laments, “All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts is not taking a moment to say goodbye.”

This is a story about life, in every one of its forms, real and imaginary, and life can hardly ever exist, without the presence of other life. In Pi’s journey, the ocean sparkles. This is a story of transformation where a child becomes a man, first dealing with fear, then thirst, then hunger, threats from a hyena, then a fierce will to survive, loosing his rations in yet another deadly storm, unpredictability of the ocean, his face-off with the tiger and then his acceptance of the companion on board. In the end, he sums it up, “my fear of him kept me alert and tending to his needs gave me purpose”.

Indeed, why must we believe that reality is limited, when we have not experienced all of reality and from all the perspectives? Perhaps the senses are heightened or the reality is different at a certain altitude or in the middle of the night the ocean sparkles with phosphorescence, in an unimaginable way. After all, our experience with life is at such an infinitely small scale anyway.

Michael Danna’s background score is beautiful and reminds you a bit about his earlier Indian outings like Monsoon Wedding and Water. Among the actors, Suraj Sharma as Pi has done a fine job for a debutant and shows great promise as an actor. Tabu as Pi’s mother is as graceful as ever but I wish she had a few more scenes. Like her, other actors including Gérard Depardieu, Adil Hussain, Rafe Spall and Irrfan Khan have small roles but all just right. The real star of the film however is Richard Parker, the computer generated tiger. He is so real, so majestic and so beautiful; like Pi, you develop a bond with him and feel disappointed with his indifference. I absolutely loved the movie and encourage everyone to see it at least once!

Life of Pi

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Tuesday, December 4, 2012
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Is it Diwali???

| Monday, November 12, 2012
Deepa Aavali... literally a beautiful array of lamps!

Oh yes, I am very much alive and so is my blog….

Firstly, I would like to thank all the people who kept on asking about my blog even when I offered no new posts…. Your views and suggestions always motivate me to write more….

Now, since Diwali is round the corner… I am taking this opportunity to wish each and every one, a very happy, safe and prosperous Deepavali/Diwali/Diwalu...


On this auspicious day, may the glow of joys, prosperity and happiness alluminate your days in the years ahead!!

Ungal Vaalkayil Thunbangal Ellam Karaindhu Poga, Olimayamaana Ethirkaalam Pirakka, Indha Deepawali Thirunaalil En Iniya Vaalthukkal!

 Roshan Ho Deepak Sara Jag Jagmagaye, Zindagi Ki Shuruvat Pyar Se Hoti Hai, Pyar Ki Shuruvat Apno Se Hoti Hai Aur Apno Ki Shuruvat Aapse Hoti Hai!!

Mee Inta Velagaali Dewalu Kaantulu Mee Pedavula Pai Viriyaali Chirunavvulu Mee Chenta Vundaali Dhana Kanaka Raasulu Meeku Andistunnaanu Diwalu Subhaakaankshalu!!


Diwali is the festival of lights! Well, this used to be the standard first line in my every “My favorite festival” essay. I am not sure how but, the whole feel of the festival has changed over the years for me.

As a child, Diwali used to be celebrated with lots of fun. I used to meet my nephews & cousins, visit friends house, burst fire crackers and enjoy amazing home made food! It used to start with my mother waking me, my sister and my brother at 5 am, massaging our body with oil and bathing us. Then after getting blessings from our parents and grandparents we would relish all the sweets prepared. I and all my friends would burst crackers in the community, decorate (my Mom) the entrances with colorful rangolis and diyas and ENJOY the whole day. Somehow, a lot of this has changed over the years.

I, no longer, burst crackers (due to where I reside these days I guess) visits to relatives and visits from relatives became fewer mostly due to us all departing in separate ways, thus, affecting the gala-time we used to share. Instead these days, I end up in front of my television for most parts of the day. The 5 am oil bath has been procrastinated to an 8 am shampoo bath. The practice of buying and wearing new clothes has been compromised. The gifts have reduced. The amount of sweets that used to be made has decreased to NONE. There is no rangoli in the entrance. Diwali seems to have lost its spark.

I don’t know if you share the same observation as mine but, for me, the festival of lights has become glum over the years. The tag of ‘festival’ stays but the grandeur seems lost.

Is it all because we have grown up? Our families have increasingly become nuclear? Our social circles have reduced? Longings have deteriorated?

No, I don’t know the answers. And moreover, everyone’s reasons would defer. Some people’s Diwali must have never changed.

Nevertheless, to end this post on a happy note… I would urge everyone to stay happy this Diwali. If you are going through the same, make an honest effort to bring back at the least something about Diwali that you truly miss. And don’t forget to make the people around you happy, because that’s the true essence of a festival!

Is it Diwali???

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Monday, November 12, 2012
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American History X

| Saturday, August 25, 2012
The best thing about this film is Edward Norton. I can enjoy him in any role and believe his character no matter how polar opposite it might be from other roles Norton has played. He delivers his best performance yet and flawlessly personifies a white supremacist. His performance is so believable that you actually begin to hate his character and his racist ideologies. This however is extremely ironic because the whole point of the film is try and deter society from hate and instead move towards rational and tolerance. Although it may seem infeasible that a hardcore white supremacist can easily turn over a new leaf, Edward Norton makes it possible. His performance is real, believable, and could not have been done better.

American History X is not just an excellent film because of the cinematic qualities but also because it addresses an extremely important issue in American society: racism. It is so powerful that it can truly change ones’ opinions and beliefs about racism. It is influential and has the potential of changing American society for the better by stopping groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and by instilling a sense of tolerance for other races for anyone who watches the film.

American History X

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Saturday, August 25, 2012
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Reunion in Death!

| Friday, August 24, 2012

Sneha stumble into her bedroom almost feebly, and look at the power and presence within her. It is a paradox — it seems that suddenly the darkness in her memory and the Faith in her intellect join forces and let her stand in the door way of Will. Faith beckons her to do rather than rest in darkness — to accomplish rather than question why.. as she slowly lifts the receiver to her ear.

It's cold. Her hand, poised over the keypad, hesitates. What is the number? She puts the phone on its hook and searches for the paper with Shreya's number on it. She knows the number. She memorized it yesterday, when she finally called information to get it. It took a while for the operator to find it.
Shreya moved since the last time Sneha spoke to her. Not surprising, it's been seventeen

Seventeen years -- a lifetime ago. Certainly, nothing is the same. Most definitely not
Sneha. Seventeen years ago she was young and beautiful -- and in love. Hopelessly in
love. Now, married and two children later, she's just taking it one day at a time.

Biting her lip, Sneha perches on the end of the bed, her hand once again hovering over
the phone on the table in front of her. Ever since she heard that Shreya's son, Mathan, died
in a car accident, the same thoughts keep running through her mind. "Will Shreya even
remember me? We were best friends for ten years. How could she forget? The real
question is -- would she rather forget. Will she even talk to me? Has enough time lapsed
to heal the wounds? Has Shreya ever forgiven me?"

Looking back, Sneha could see that it was all blown out of proportion at the time. After
all nothing really ever happened. But Shreya never believed that. At least not that she ever
told Sneha.

It took a few months, after that blowout scene between them at the restaurant, for
Sneha to put the hurt behind her and move on. A year later, she got married and
regretted that Shreya was not there to be her bridesmaid. Shreya never knew she had a
namesake -- Sneha's first daughter, little Rani, who died at six months old, from SIDS.
"Thank God, for Latha. I thought the world ended when little Rani died. Latha is my pride
and joy, my reason for living, but little Rani is never far from my thoughts or my heart."

Now, Sneha's heard that Shreya has lost her son, too. Sneha's sister told her three days
ago. She read about it in the local paper last week. "Oh Shreya , I wish I were there for
you now. I want you to know that I know what you're going through. I want you to know
that you're not alone."

For the umpteenth time in three days, Sneha remembers the pain of losing a child.
Drying her eyes, her hands trembling, she picks up the phone and dials the number. A
sad, yet familiar voice answers on the third ring, "Hello."

"Hello, Shreya?"

Reunion in Death!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Friday, August 24, 2012
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Scores collectively!

| Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Time is flying. I'm not going to promise consistency over the summer - will be a huge distraction - but I will do my best to avoid big gaps in posting again. In any case it was not meant to be another month break. It's been a vicious couple of months, hasn't it? All my best wishes go out to anyone caught up in any of the chaos.


Anyways; This is one I've been meaning to post since the last spread. So finally now, I've compiled a list of tracks for anyone unfamiliar with what music can do to your soul. Good words and fine sentiments are not enough. The music must move us.

A good night's sleep really means feeling good at every step of the way. For example, one can pass out pretty happily after a big weekend evening of drinking, but I bet you he'll toss in the middle of the night and awake with a headache that really ruins it all.

Sometimes one may go to bed early and sleep really well through the night, but awake feeling grumpy and tired for no discernible reason. Both of these are problems and these songs will solve them both... and much more of course...

Scores collectively!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Tuesday, July 17, 2012
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Malaragle -- Kanavaaaa

| Sunday, July 8, 2012
Yet another sweet melody by A R Rahman brought to life by Hariharan & Chitra. The songs traverses through the beautiful ragas Saraswati and Hameer Kalyani. This semi classical song starts off with a brilliant prelude with synth effects followed by shrill steel flute along with the bass, electronic piano and violin playing the prelude.

Chitra starts the song accompanied only by a very few soft instruments; violin and hit-hat in the backdrop. Then as you move on to the 1st interlude you realize the song is all about grandeur with exquisite pulsating beats, violins and upright/slap bass complementing each other. Al though the beats are ripped off from Paul Young's 'Love of common people', from the album 'No Parlez', released in 1983 which also happens to be commercial loops which anyone can use. A R Rahman's usage of the beats in this song is just magnificent! 

Hariharan starts only after the 1st prelude but adds much more beauty to the song by his Hindustani classical laced singing switching frequently from bass notes to higher crescendos. Brilliant display of his versatility when he sings:
"Vaazhvodu Valarthidai Thaane Vanna Nilave Nilave Vaanoda Neelam Pole Ilaindhu Kondadhu Intha Uravu... "

I wanted to share this video of a super singer contestant singing this amazing song with amazing perfection for her age: I hope you enjoy it as much as the original at least for her effort!

And this just for fun:

Malargale Malargale Ithu Enna Kannavaa Mallaigale Mallaigale Ithu Enna Ninaivaa Urugiyathe Ennathu Ullam, Perugiyathe Vizhi Vellam Vinnodum Neethan Mannodum Neethan Kannodum Neethan Vaa Vaaa....

Malaragle -- Kanavaaaa

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Sunday, July 8, 2012
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Living Room

| Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Living Room

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Tuesday, July 3, 2012
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Ebay + PayPal = You are a Moron!

| Saturday, June 30, 2012
EBAY is nothing but a horrible piece of CRAP! All they are is a search engine and they think they can charge sellers for listing an item then charge the seller about 10% for what the final sale price is "Final Value Fee (FVF)". On top of that they charge a fee of almost 10% for what I charge for shipping! WTF is that!

On top of it all eBay owns PayPal and they charge around 3% of the total sales cost. Do the math. After they take 13% of my money and not all that is mine because I have to ship (materials + time + travel+ cost) they are charging me though PayPal on the money I paid them on the FVF (Final Value Fee)

SCREW EBAY!!! This site is a joke!

To make things worst; the feds are cracking down to charge tax on PayPal users!! While eBay is holding sellers payments for almost a month.

eBay, once one of the mightiest dotcoms is now just a stupid company trying to fleece the punters. eBay shafted everyone back in January with their new fee structure 1,2,3. But that’s old news.
Like it or not, eBay is providing a service which you are under no obligation to use and they are free to charge what the hell they like, if you want to use it.

That said, here’s my beef.

Fees = L(x) + S(y) + P(y+z)

I recently sold an item on ebay for $35. Yippee!

However, here is the bill:
Listing fees 0.88
Selling fees 2.88
PayPal fees 1.58
Total fees  5.34

$5.34 commission on a sale of $35, that’s pretty steep at around 15%. But, I don’t really have a problem with that per-Se. The problem is really the way that is it done. The total fee of $5.34 is charged quite sneakily: firstly, it is split into three small fees, so psychologically it doesn’t seem that bad.

total fees = listing fees + selling fees + PayPal* fees!!!!!!
*eBay owns PayPal

I much frustrated at the fact that the final fee is NEVER mentioned in any correspondence. After you have sold an item you get an email saying “You’ve sold your item on eBay”, but there is no mention of the fees that you now owe them!

Even within the newly redesigned “my ebay” they are not AT ALL upfront about selling fees and how much you have paid to them. This information – should you decide you want to know what you have paid them – is hidden away deep inside your account details (“my account -> my fees -> view recent fees”).

Transparent? No.

Do they really think that no one notices these things?

Ebay + PayPal = You are a Moron!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Saturday, June 30, 2012
With 1 comments:


| Friday, June 1, 2012
The quality of mindfulness is something that arises from practice. Further more; perhaps, annoyance arises within this one who acknowledges. 


Posted by : Jegan
Date :Friday, June 1, 2012
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Second inning...?

| Saturday, May 26, 2012
It is funny you will ask me this; but here is an attempt at it - Who am I really? Can that be defined yet? Beyond the what I look like; my gender; what makes me happy or sad and the cultural construction of my self now, I feel the sense of self is not achieved in a single step; we don’t emerge from our mother’s womb as fully formed adults!

I am everything!

 So, who am I really? Probably by the time I'm long gone and all the pieces of my activities are compiled and analyzed then you can know what you want to know about me. Meanwhile, I write. Simply because I love writing. I'm a deep thinker and I love to believe in the impossible. The ideal is attainable and a shot at it must be given. Don't say 'It won't work' rather ask 'how will it work? Nobody is ever doomed unless they made the choice. To resist good and to adopt evil is already doom. To loose hope is to choose doom but to believe that every step is a passing phase leading towards your hope is to choose progress. I may go on and on but my posts say it all. I don't force you to agree, I only say enjoy!

Whatever it may be; talk it out. Communication is crucial for a sane relationship! And really, I would have preferred you to ask; “What are you here for?  I’ve gotten this far in my life…whether that be finishing school, getting into complicated relationships, growing as a man, nailing a career…but really, is that it? Is this all there is?

Second inning...?

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Saturday, May 26, 2012
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Happy Birthday Jathu!! & Mama!!

| Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Bala Mama - You probably won’t read this, because blogs are beneath you…but Happy Birthday Mama! I just cannot say how lucky I am to have been your nephew and I hope to be as good as you as a Mama myself! You have been there thru all our times of good and bad and it shall never been forgotten. Love you always!

Jathu! Life unfolds a day at a time, we move along one step at a time. Let the best be revealed as you progress. May your dreams come true!  As I sit to type this out; I fondly remember all the things we've done Growing up together having so much fun. The times when you teased me and made me so mad, which isn't hard ;) The times when you held me because I was sad, which is rare ;) You're always there for me in moments of stress There's no doubt about it. Thank you my dear, You truly are the best! wish  Happy Birthday Brother!

Happy Birthday Jathu!! & Mama!!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Tuesday, May 15, 2012
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| Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ஆழ்கடலில் பொà®´ியுà®®் மழை
உறவற்à®± ஓர் தனிà®®ை…
இவையெல்லாà®®் சுய தண்டனைகளா???
சுயம் வெà®±ுத்தபின் தோன்à®±ுà®®்
ஆழ்ந்த à®…à®®ைதிக்கான தேடலா???


Posted by : Jegan
Date :Wednesday, May 2, 2012
With 1 comments:

Happy Birthday Amma!

| Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mother, I wanted to wish you a very very happy birthday and remind myself that you are the best gift I can gift, in life I don't love everything that I come across, I look at something if it impresses me then I choose that among the rest and start loving it. But you my mother never had a chance to choose your child, how he/she should look like, what he/she should do, nothing. The pain you underwent to have a child is something far from my knowledge, but in spite of all that; If I were to ask what you love the most, you would very simply say, my kids, for you every thing comes after us. Love you Amma, wish you a happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Amma!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Wednesday, April 11, 2012
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Testimony, I shall make!

| Thursday, March 22, 2012
I would compare Ilaiyaraja's music to two serpants making love, the complex western classical notes chasing and hugging the simple and sweet eastern folk, guided by the rules of classical music as if these lovers are running across a paddy field creating a terrific melody flowing as smooth as a breeze.

Mudhumai Orunaal Namai Vandhu Theendum
Moonraam Kaalil Naam Nirka Vaendum
Mudiyaip Paarththaal Muzhu Vellai
Madiyil Thavazhum Magan Pillai
Neeyaendhik Konja Naan Konjam Kenja
Pooppoanra Pinju En Nenjil Thunja
Paayadhanil Nee Saayndhirukka
Pasiyadangi Naan Oayndhirukka
Irukkum Varikkum Enai Dhinasari Anusari

This shall be the start; I had come over all nostalgic and started to create top 50 lists from my formative years. And this song will be one of the 50 songs I am going to post about in the coming days.. into months. I must strongly emphasise that this list in no way reflects any order of my favourite music. In fact, it doesn’t even necessarily reflect any order just a few songs I have come cross over the years– it is merely the music and words that, for some reason, sticks in my mind from my early years. As you know I LOVE music as it it to me the air I breath!

Testimony, I shall make!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Thursday, March 22, 2012
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Happy Birthday Kiran!

| Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I haven’t seen you for a while. I’d like to say I miss your text, your funny e-messages. But if I were to tell the truth, that wouldn’t quite be true cause what I really miss is you. As you know, we take the same road in life but somewhere the road might branch out. I’d take my road and you’d take yours but the hearts always there around you.. take care of yourself my friend..
Spring has come; Bees are buzzing; Flowers are blooming; Here I am wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

I never forget the good you have done for me and the times you stood by me;

Happy Birthday Kiran!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Wednesday, March 21, 2012
With 1 comments:

Time and again...

| Monday, March 19, 2012
My blog/writing is special to me – almost as important as are my photographs, because they’re memories I can rely upon when my mind begins to fail me..Though in recent times I have been very occupied in a few other things in order to get my F&L on track putting this passion of mine on the back burner.

As in the past I always come back to it; I’m weird with relationships. I think I know what I want, and then I run. I think I run because I’m scared. I’m scared that I might get hurt. Or maybe I just haven’t found someone who I know is worth being hurt for. I am not scared of the dark. I am scared of what’s in it. I am not afraid of heights, I am afraid of the pain of falling. I am not afraid of people around me, I am just afraid of rejection. I am not afraid to love, I am just afraid of not being loved back, and I am not afraid to try again, I am just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason.

I have been reading some very interesting books lately and the one that comes to my mind now is Love Is Letting Go of Fear by Gerald G. Jampolsky; Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening, the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course? Each of us has such a bank. Its name is time. Every morning, it credits you with 86.400 seconds. Every night, it writes off as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day, it opens a new account for you. Each night, it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against “tomorrow.” You must live in the present on today’s deposits. Invest it so as to get it from the utmost health, happiness, and success. The clock is running. Make the most of today. I do not believe in Destiny/Fate as matter of fact I will go on to say that destiny is for losers. It’s a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.

Just remember this; It starts with a dream. Add faith, and it becomes belief. Add action, and it becomes a part of life. Add perseverance, and it becomes a goal in sight. Add patience and time, and it ends with a dream come true. So go on and start your dream today as I have been dreaming...

Time and again...

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Monday, March 19, 2012
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Happy Birthday Sis!

| Monday, March 12, 2012

Here is my confession on your day; The more number of fights we have, the more I end up loving you. The more number of times you yell at me, I grow fonder of you. May this bond keep growing forever. The best gift I can give you today is to pass on my dreams, good health, luck, fortune and happiness to you. May you have years full of happiness to come. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday dear sis. I love you!

Happy Birthday Sis!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Monday, March 12, 2012
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What do I do?

| Thursday, March 8, 2012
All of us can easily get through the day when things are going normally. The test of our mettle is when you get stressed up with all kinds of demands.

If you are having a rough day and you suddenly get a call that is irritating, as the person talking to you is arrogant and not listening to you or not willing to answer your questions, what do you do?

Well, this is what I do: I think of what I have made myself to be... or maybe play angry birds..

What do I do?

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Thursday, March 8, 2012
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Happy Birthday Poonam!

| Saturday, March 3, 2012
Wishing you all the happiness in the world on your Birthday. Just remember what I said to you before; You truly are a wonderful person.

I don’t regret the things I’ve done and the things I didn’t do for somewhere along the way, I must’ve done something right cause I am still here friends with you.

Remember the day?

Happy Birthday Poonam!

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Saturday, March 3, 2012
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| Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Thought of the day -
Life is short. This could be all we have. In a flash, I could be dead and gone.Why waste the only time we have trying to impress people? Why spend it trying to make people like you? If you like me, you do. If you don't, you don't. It's crucial to be yourself. As a matter of fact you can only be yourself as everyone else is taken!


Posted by : Jegan
Date :Wednesday, February 1, 2012
With 0comments

Love Love Love ...

| Monday, January 23, 2012
Every word in the opening of Ask Laska means 'love' in 16 different languages. Vijay Prakash and Chinmayi tribute to the added magic.

Song dedicated to one of my best friends who I used to like...and sorta still do... In any case, have you ever heard "I love you"? Well this is my way.

♥Ask - Turkish | ♥Laska - Slovak |
♥Amour - French/Spanish | ♥Ai - Chinese |
♥Ast - Icelandic | ♥Liebe - German
♥Ahava - Hebrew | ♥Bolingo - Lingala |
♥Cinta - Malay | ♥Ishq - Arabic |
♥Meile - Lithuanian | ♥Love - English
♥Ishtam - Telugu | ♥Premam - Malayalam
♥Pyaar - Hindi | ♥Kaathal - Tamil

Yeno thannaale unmelae, kadhal kondane
Yedho unnaale en vazhvil artham kandaene

Aah asku laska amo amo aai
asthu asthu laibae
ha habo bolinga chintha chintha
isku isku meela
Love ista prema piyaaro piyaaro,
oru kadhal undhan mele

Athanai mozhi-yilum,
vaarthai ovvorndru koidhen
mothamaai korthuthaan,
kaadhal chendondru seidhen
unnidan neettinen kadhalai kaatinen

Yeno thannaale unmelae, kadhal kondane
Yedho unnaale en vazhvil artham kandaene

Aah asku laska yemo yemo aai
asthu asthu laibae
ha habo bolinga chintha chintha
isku isku meela
Love ista prema piyaaro piyaaro,
oru kadhal undhan mele

Pluto-vil unnai naan koodaetruven
Vinmeengal porukki soodetruven
Mukkolangal padipen, un mookin melae
vittam mattam padipen un nenjin melae
Mellidaiyodu valikodu naan aaigiren .....ohh..

Plato-vin magana un dhegama ?
Aaraaichi nadatha naan koodama ?.

Vazhum noyil vilundhai, un kannil kanden
naalum unnum marundhaai, un mutham thandhen
Un nenjil naadi manivaika,
kaadhal kaadhal endru kaetka

Aah asku laska amo amo aai
asthu asthu laibae
ha habo bolinga chintha chintha
isku isku meela
Love ista prema piyaaro piyaaro,
oru kadhal undhan mele

De-ja-vo kanavil nee mootinaai
raaja en manathai yen vaatinaai
Kapam kettu mirati - nee veppam kondaai
ratham motham kodhika en pakkam vantdhaai
vennilavaaga, idhamaaga kulirootava?

Kannaadi nilavvaai kan koosinaai
Venvanna nizhalaai man veesinaai
pullil pootha pani nee - oru kallam illai
Virus illaah kanini - un ullam vellai

Nee kollao malli mullai pole,
pillai mellum sollai pole

Aah asku laska amo amo ..
Aah asku laska amo amo
aai asthu asthu laibae
habo bolinga chintha chintha
isku isku meela
Love ista prema piyaaro piyaaro,
oru kadhal undhan mele

Athanai mozhi-yilum,
vaarthai ovvorndrum koidhen
mothamaai korthuthaan,
kaadhal chendondru seidhen

Yeno thannaale unmelae, kadhal kondane
Yedho unnaale en vazhvil artham kandaene

Love Love Love ...

Posted by : Jegan
Date :Monday, January 23, 2012
With 0comments


| Friday, January 20, 2012


Posted by : Jegan
Date :Friday, January 20, 2012
With 0comments


| Sunday, January 8, 2012

I have just returned from a cruise – I hope you didn’t miss me too much. The cruise in question was a 1-day trip to NY from B'more.

I have to confess that cruise trips have never appealed to me greatly, not least because it sounds so middle aged! The other problem, of course, is that cruises are so darned expensive, but this problem was allayed by my employer scoring me a remarkable deal, so I was out of excuses. Hence, I gave it a go!

The ship is huge. I knew that cruise ships were huge, but until you actually get right up to one you really don’t appreciate just how huge they are. I mean, it was massive! Not so much a floating hotel as a floating city. And actually I had a pretty good time. I will be posting pics and more detailed post soon :)


Posted by : Jegan
Date :Sunday, January 8, 2012
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| Sunday, January 1, 2012

Twenty-twelve begins with strengthening friendships, remembering how to dance, savoring solitude, taking chances, making moves to bring music closer, understanding my demons. This year has to pulse with positive forces. I have to harness my Sagittarius energy for good and not evil, ideas for ways to do that include taking time every day to connect with my true self, seek out inspiration on a daily basis, make more creative aesthetic choices, and fill my environment with strong, positive symbols and imagery. This year is about taking a much more active role in my own progress, exercising my brain, overcoming fear, practicing positivity and happiness so much that I'm only sad when I really need to be, and doing what I love to do. This is the year of great ideas and ultimate manifestation.


Posted by : Jegan
Date :Sunday, January 1, 2012
With 0comments
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