Time is flying. I'm not going to promise consistency over the summer - will be a huge distraction - but I will do my best to avoid big gaps in posting again. In any case it was not meant to be another month break. It's been a vicious couple of months, hasn't it? All my best wishes go out to anyone caught up in any of the chaos.

Anyways; This is one I've been meaning to post since the last spread. So finally now, I've compiled a list of tracks for anyone unfamiliar with what music can do to your soul. Good words and fine sentiments are not enough. The music must move us.
A good night's sleep really means feeling good at every step of the way. For example, one can pass out pretty happily after a big weekend evening of drinking, but I bet you he'll toss in the middle of the night and awake with a headache that really ruins it all.
Sometimes one may go to bed early and sleep really well through the night, but awake feeling grumpy and tired for no discernible reason. Both of these are problems and these songs will solve them both... and much more of course...
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