| Wednesday, March 23, 2011
So, I watched this documentary "RELIGULOUS" (religion+rediculous) about organized religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, TV evangelism and even Scientology, with detours into pagan cults and ancient Egypt. Bill Maher, host, writer and debater, believes they are all crazy. He doesn’t get around to Hinduism or Buddhism, but he probably doesn’t approve of them, either. He wants to convince his audience that religion is not only ridiculous, it’s downright dangerous. All of you guys know that I love topics of public manipulation/propaganda and since my childhood I believed that religion is one of the greatest manipulators ever. How did K. Marx say? “Religion is the opium for the folks”, and that is what it is globally seen. Preaching love, it causes wars. Simply because every religion has nothing to do with its founding fathers!

Go ahead and watch it you might like and I hope that you will start facing the fact of your blind faith – by seeing such films or by making truly spiritual experiences :)


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