
| Friday, March 18, 2011

Yes, the title of my post really is my plot synopsis for Battle Los Angeles. A movie that is about nothing but aliens killing marines and marines killing aliens for almost two whole hours. There were some twenty minutes of filler before the action scenes started, but none of it added anything to the movie. In fact, if you have already seen the trailer for the movie, then you already know everything that those twenty minutes tell you, which is nothing all that important or relevant to proceedings. Here is an favorite one too; A helicopter will be coming in to rescue them in zero visibility due to the smoke and debris when the soldier throws out a smoke bomb to signal the helicopter where to land!!!! In another scene Michelle Rodriguez asks Aaron Eckhart why he never smiles amidst carnage and death on an unimagined scale!!! I guess the director was sleeping!!!

The entire cast, with the lone exception of Aaron Eckhart's staff-Sargent, are impossible to distinguish from one another. They are just anonymous figures that run through thick clouds of smoke, shout at each other, and shoot at anything that moves and is not human, and there is a lot to shoot at. So there is a lot of shooting, a lot of shouting, and a ton of explosions.

There is just no compelling story.

There is precious little positive that I can say about Battle Los Angeles. The special effects were excellent, but excellent special effects are ubiquitous these days. Even if they were not ubiquitous, movies still need to bring something compelling to the local cinema. Battle Los Angeles brings nothing. Nothing at all. Don't waste your time and money! PLEASE!


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