I think we’d be pretty hard pressed to find someone on this planet who at the core didn’t want to be loved. I think we find the above line hard to accept only when we are not directed towards the right path. The path that only you can decide for yourself, not you parents, teachers, friends, families or Religious Gods. No, I am not blaming..

By it, I mean to point you in the direction of not looking outside of ourselves for love, but within to the barriers for love. Why? Because, I believe that love is all around us if we are open to it.
Whether you believe this or not, for most (if not all) of us, we have built up barriers to love because we have been hurt by love’s departure or absence in the past. Maybe we were just babies when we first felt the disconnection and made an unconscious pact to not feel that pain again. Or maybe it was emotional or physical abuse that led to the distrust of love. Could it have been the loss of a significant relationship in your life that you swore you would never love that much again because the fall is too traumatic? Think... and give yourself time to reflect.. Time is the only healer and only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.
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