c'est la vie!

| Wednesday, July 7, 2004
Personally, I don't really have much problems on my own as I've pretty much sorted it and my thoughts out. I know what I want and what I have to do, in and with my life. Right now I just want to do spend time with my friends, have happy days for I rather have more happy memories than sad memories as it last longer. After all memories are lessons we learn in life.

On another note, my brother was telling me about our super hero Spider Man getting ready to

swing above streets choked with rickshaws and scooters in Mumbai, India.

More here.



  1. Good design!
    http://lhqwkjgr.com/hxbb/kkjn.html | http://hlgmnjxg.com/apsg/aexu.html

  2. Thank you!
    [url=http://lhqwkjgr.com/hxbb/kkjn.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://binqlgqy.com/mejb/krrr.html]Cool site[/url]


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