Last Saturday, I went over to visit Chandru and his baby girl Nikita. As you know I love photography and I love photographing newborn babies even more. So after taking some 50+ pics of Nikita I decided to give her some rest, She is a tiny little cuteee baby :) I will be posting some pics soon so watch out ;) That evening we, Chandru, bro and I decided to take a on a 4 mile run along the "famous" Rt.66. I must say it was quite a scene. Though I was exhausted much soon than expected, which I don't understand as I do run 4 miles every other day on the treadmill. Anyway it is always fun to run outside in the open with someone else.

Sunday after noon I decided to treat Chandru, his wife Usha, his Mom, my bro and most importantly myself to a good meal. Not that Usha's or Chandru's mom does not cook well I wanted it to be a treat from me. So, after driving to Fairfax to the Super H-Mart where I got some fresh veggies I took literally nothing more than 1hr and 15mins to cook a four dish lunch meal for five. I was quite impressed with the time. I thought my dishes were okay but everyone else loved it including my bro who is somewhat of a critic for the most part.. lol But either way I was happy, as I love to cook, especially for those I care. It gives me a good feel of accomplishment to make someone feel fulfilled. And as far as I know only food will make someone accept of being fulfilled anything and everything else we always want more.
Such fun filled happy moments reminded me… being in a slump doesn’t mean what your doing is wrong or off course… being in a slump means that you’ve done something that others haven’t done… YOU’VE STARTED! Traveling down the road less traveled will never be easy. Expect bumps in the road and even some moments of failure or miscalculated decisions along the way. Its all a part of the process! Its a part of the voyage…
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