Anyway we were talking and somehow ended talking about being truthful and such other emotional "crap" ;). I asked a her about truth. Her take was matter-of-fact: “It’s whatever your emotional reality is.” I tried to recall the title of this book I read by ?? I am blank again... Was it “We Are the Stories We Tell,” or “All Stories Are True”? It doesn’t really matter. What I want to know is this: What is the story I will tell about myself in thirty years, looking back on my twenty-eight-year-old self? Who will I have been? What will I have done? No matter what the answer, where I end up, I want to be able to know that I “stood on the ground and told the truth,” as my father, a tried-and-true hero ( to me at least ), says.
And as Sharmi said, “The rest is commentary." BTW, thank you Sharmiii :) I had another beautiful evening with you :)
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