This Is It!

| Wednesday, October 28, 2009
First Show First DAY!!

Last night I saw This Is It, a movie proving he(Michael Jackson) has no equal; precise, specific, motivated, focused, and kind. I just have one word for the movie: SENSATIONAL!!! Sadly I caught myself from realizing that Michael is really gone but will never be forgotten.

Thank you for many things Michael! Always inspired! RIP. At 50, with passion, grace & precision a genius. The movie also showcases a glimpse of his character & personality as he was playful, comedic, loving, sensitive & humbled at times during production.

Makes one wonder; Alive, Michael Jackson was a problem for a few guys. Dead? He's the best investment in the history of the business. You can almost hear them thinking, "Hey! Why didn't we think of this sooner?"



  1. God! I totally forget about it.
    Well, as you said there is no one equal to MJ.
    What a dedicated and a kind person he was.

    R.I.P MJ
    Om Shanthi!


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