To Live

| Friday, February 25, 2005
So, what motivates us to live? Hunger, Fear, Selfishness/Desire or Love..
Many of us have long been convinced that the way to happiness(living the life) exists in making those around us happy. Is that the true answer to live THE life? What about our own inner happiness and inner peace, our own inner truth?! Imagine the effect on the world if everyone were making an effort to attain inner peace! To find the inner need for living.
To attain freedome!


  1. ermmmm, i think thats what everyone is doing, finding their inner peace, which in this context involves people being seduced by the five sins in life. Add this and the fact that there are billions of other people tryint to reach the same goal, and you've got poverty , famine and everything else.... all in one neat package called reality.... :P

  2. ermmm, sorry, but thats supposed to be 7 sins, don't know how i missed the two of em.... :)

  3. 1. LUST

    2. ENVY

    3. GREED

    4. PRIDE/EGO




    Is that what we are talking about?? Is that what life is all about?? Correct me if I am wrong.

  4. sad to say, but its true, as much as everyone might deny it, ermmm, okayz leave everyone, as much as i might deny it, at times i gotta say, honestly, yeah i am affected by the seven deadly sins, i'm not proud of it, but i gotta admit, it does come up in me once in awhile, though sometimes it ends up as only as thoughts in my head, i guess thats bad enough, the only time human beings are being nice to one another is when there is something to be gained, or if their aid is genuine its probably due to the fact that they themselves or someone they've known has been through a tragedy, apart from that i doubt there will be any genuine aid from anyone, and when i say genuine, i mean situations where you aid people without expecting anything in return, not even recognition, simply said, reality sucks........ sadly......


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