Happy 2011

| Friday, December 31, 2010

Be Happy Don’t Worry its 2011

We live in a world that prizes medical science and blames illness on factors such as genes, viruses, bacteria or poor diet, certain perplexing cases stand out. I say why don't we consider Mr. Wright, a man whose tumors "melted like snowballs on a hot stove" when he was given an experimental drug that he believed would cure his cancer, but was later declared to be worthless by the American Medical Association.

In our life things come and go and so is the case with difficulties, problems that we face every now and then, nothing stays for ever except our belief/vision, our philosophy, our views on life. So, be happy and don’t worry because most of the worries will get washed away with time. Same time during last year we welcomed 2010 and now after spending much time and accumulating new memories we are ready to say goodbye to it. Just remember, we're all manifestations of love!

Best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2011 to everyone who loves life and its natural nature.

Hope, to write more in this year, 2011. You can artificially look through the window in order to discover what you didn't know was there. It is then up to you if you naturally walk through the door and change the discovering to becoming; Happy New Year 2011 Happy New Year 2011 :)


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