
| Monday, January 25, 2010
When I went to the bathroom at five thirty to pee, the door was closed. So I went to the toilet downstairs, and then came back up to fumble around for my gym suite and the winter coat from the other room. My bro was still in the bathroom, hyperventilating, groaning. Then he sort of howled. He came out after being in there maybe half an hour total. It is very unusual from my brother to be up so early in the morning. I later came to know that he had a class in Olney and so had to leave early.

Well, anyway I took my car keys and left as I was running late myself to the gym. I walked out the door alone with nothing but my absurd good health, to run a 30 minute tempo run. Tempo run of 30 minutes would begin with the first 0-10 minute easy running, build to 10-25 minutes near the middle, then 25-30 minutes easy toward the end. After my temp run I sat down for my morning meditation, a new gig that I have started today.. Somehow, I have to fit this huge thing of teaching my self to sit tranquil into my morning routine… I can see it to be a challenge! lol

I came back from the gym around six fourty five to find the TV screaming “The great debate: Michelle Obama doesn’t wear Panty hose, but lots of women still do” After turning off the TV that my brother left on!! I took my dogs out to walk, to a windy rainy(not good) morning!!! and by the time I hit the shower it was 7:30. I rushed to get the cooked noodles from last night into a container for my lunch today. Treated my dogs to their daily chew and left them in the house (It's a "Leaving Las Vegas" sort of feeling) to: play with their ball, take a nap, play catch up down the stairs for a while, then another nap, play detective; sniffing around, take a nap, play with each other, chew on things that should not be chewed, then another nap and laze around or play together before taking the final nap before my arrival back from work.

On my way to work, I have found the new hobby of listening to Chennai FM (TAMIL RADIO!!!!) YAY! This morning it was Keeranjani and Poornima MC-ing. It was a program where listeners called in to play rhyming words game. The winner gets to choose a song of their choice. It was quite a fun filled game! I learned a few funny- rhyming Tamil words! I love listening to the radio as I grew up listening to radio in the morning. When I used to be in Singapore my mother used to switch on the radio early in the morning around 5:30 AM. As a matter of fact, some times the radio is on 24/7. My morning activities go in parallel with the radio tunes till I take the bus to school around 7:55 AM. Oh God! I miss those days.

My college days in France were busy and I was not too much into listening to radio in the morning and if at all I do, I listen only during late nights, when I’m copying journals (did I say copying ;-)) By then RTL was "HOT" and was real entertainer for us when we all friends used to get together at one place to finish up the last minute assignments ;-))

A charcoal engine of memories, though it makes me sad, somehow it puts a smile on my face. Wanting to get back to the past, I realize it makes me the better person today thus bringing me the smile. Anyway at this juncture I would suggest a pause for relaxation. I grant you a few minutes to recharge your batteries; Listen -

recharged? now get back to your work!


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