Are you wondering about my title? Well, that folks is my attempt to tell you a "meh", "huh", "nice" kind of weekend I had. Not in the "I had a crappy weekend.." way but more like I saw - Little Children, Out of Sight and Transformers :)
Little Children: I am not very much into adult/after marraige/parrents love/lust for someone other than their spouse. So though a very unique and flerty attempt, was not impressed. And BTW, Jennifer looks ugly! unlike A Beautiful Mind. She had it all in the latter.
Out of Sight: A well-written movie about Bank Robber and his love interest. The basic outline of the story is the Karen Sisco, a Federal Marshall (JLopez) and Jack Foley (GClooney) sort of fall for each other. The only problem is Jack just escaped from prison, and met Karen in the trunk of her car. Now, don't you want to see the rest?
Transformers: Although it lacks the same heart and soul that defines the "Spider-Man" franchise, the "Transformers" movie is a fun to watch for it had amazing visual effects. and the lead actress in this movie, “Ouch, is she a hottie!” .
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