I am not a therapist..

| Sunday, November 6, 2005
As I was chatting with my good old friend yesterday, I came to know that one of my old class mates' brother commited suicide. And that too for a love failure??, I am told!!! WHY??

How stupid can one be, not to realize that he is being loved by so many others including the obvious, his immediate family.

I guess it is about how well a person copes depression, love/drug/alchohol/work related problems, medical issues, etc... directly affects their suicidal tendencies.

But I still think it is not the sollution.. keep in mind that most of the time depression is a passing mood. The sadness, loneliness, grief, and disappointment we all feel at times are normal reactions to some of the struggles of life... more over I think big part of the depression is thinking people aren't going to help you.

Before you get to that satge all I say is look around to see that Love Actually is all around you.


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