
| Saturday, September 17, 2005
I am not superstitious, but as I was watching 12B last night I asked myself; why do we, Hindus break coconut (sitharu kai) in the temple? The known explanation; Breaking your ego is symbolized when breaking the coconut. My explanation; To release the stress from our mind and body before beginning the day.
What is yours?
Learning to look at the lighter side of a problem. I believe in the teachings of Bhagvad Gita - Do your duty, leave the rest to Him. Stronger believer in God, I think laughter brings us closer to God. So take this lightly yet deeply! Humor is the religion today’s man needs. The problem is, however, that this cannot be done without changing the normal interpretation of certain tradition/believe. Break free your natural tendency 'cause it not always right!


  1. It's nice to see that someone takes the time to have his own blog. Blogs are a new way to develop new Ideas and new products, to enrich human life. I give my little contribution as well, as Aristotle said one Man alone might not find out everything there is to know about the Universe, but one find a little and another one another little and so on, until human beings will discover everything.

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