I've been asked by a pal to post about a disturbing problem at his workplace. Un appropriate women wearing thong. I can understand the popularity of a thong because of the lack of underwear lines, but it's getting out of hand when certain people that we work with consistently wear their thong with their low rise pants. It's pretty hard/bad when you walk by someone's desk, or they bend over, and you get a full thong view. I really don't think it's appropriate to show that much skin at work.
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Anyways when talking about problems, It is hard to imagine that al Qaeda is so widespread as to have a hand in nearly every dastardly deed which is undertaken in the world and to have hidden itself from discovery until its debut some 25 months ago. It seems that with so many members doing so many things in so many places with so much money that the press would have found it hard not to bump into a chatty al Qaeda operative long ago. It follows, then, that al Qaeda is becoming the Swiss Army Knife of evildoers, an all-purpose bogeyman in the model of Communism. Or, perhaps this group is really so nefarious and pervasive that one's neighbor could secretly be a member, in the model of Communism. One never knows. Either way, it will bring, by way of debt spending, many economies out of the doldrums, in the model of the fight against Communism.
Threatening Internet message from
Al-Qaeda group appears to be authentic: US official
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