In November of 2009 Chandru, Shan and I were sitting in a coffee place discussing the implementation of Ganith. We were planning to leave our current jobs by the end of 2010 to start working full time with our own business. It was a long conversation, but a relief too and something I had thought about for a long time.
Chandru started Ganith in 2004. At that time, he only had the name registered with some ideas. It was about when I started my very own company Cyberlab777, evolved around creating web sites for smaller companies. And a year later my brother Shan had started his very own graphic designing company, Lokha. This is our recap/story?
When I left NY to WV to live under the roof of Dr. Nathan, a good friend of my fathers, I found myself in need of a place to call my own, a steady income and a more social environment, not that Dr. Nathan and his family were not. I just needed to be on my own. In July 2000 I left WV and came down to MD. I am forever thankful to Mr. Ramu for helping me with finding a place to rent, a job to pay for the rent.
Inspired by the idea of keeping this simple, I have now ventured into Ganith along with my bro and Chandru. Yesterday, we went to do our first presentation to Dr. Nathan, yes my first helping hand in WV. It was a successful meet, I am glad that I kept my networks alive. We have a few more scheduled. If things go like I am hoping for it to, I am certain to see my self indulge in my very own business by the birth of 2011.
Chandru started Ganith in 2004. At that time, he only had the name registered with some ideas. It was about when I started my very own company Cyberlab777, evolved around creating web sites for smaller companies. And a year later my brother Shan had started his very own graphic designing company, Lokha. This is our recap/story?
All three of us envisioned a self made empire into the futuristic world. This connatural vision made way for us combine forces to form a team to tackle our target. The birth of Ganith Inc. 

I started working on websites back in 1996. In 1997 I launched Aruloviar, a site dedicated to my late grandfather Siva Subramaniya Kurukkal. The site was rich with gif animations and a few complex java scripts. It was one of the first sites to be launched in Limoges, France back in 1997 giving me the exposure to the local French Media including Canal+ Television. I still remember giving my first ever TV interview and brimming in joy for the next few weeks. The media exposure, fame and recognition encouraged me to launch more sites and learn more about the futuristic evolution of this Internet world.
After a couple of years roaming around Limoges, web building and wrapping up my bachelors in French Literature, I felt the need to expand my wings and leave my fathers nest to find my own. The things that happened in my personal life since the time I left France in Dec 1999 till February 2000 thought me a hell lot to say the least. The time I spent alone in NY, not knowing what, when, how where my future would begin was excruciating not to forget I had my little brother to take care of too. But, looking back the time I spent there thought me the persistence and patience, the latter which I am still mastering.

I started working full time managing the front office of the Murugan Temple of North America and going to evening classes in Montgomery Community College. After only 4 months I bought my first car in USA, a Nissan 240sx. Following that I moved to Good Luck Rd, Lanham to rent a basement and go to UMCP. It was also when I started my part-time job with BOA. Since then, I've been employed at two different companies, SSB and now BA.
Though I did work for a few other companies part time or for a very short period of time, these four companies helped defining me. It is latter three companies that got me interested in the financial sector and paid for me to attain the required certifications to be where I am today. The downside to this was I forgo my dream of completing my masters in Aerospace Engineering.
In the back of my mind, I always wanted to be independent, though. So I kept my personal growth and kept my network alive. I took upon my self to read books and take online courses to self teach my self in a variety of fields. Though mostly in the computer world, I did also pursue my passion for literature, language and music. As I mentioned earlier, the desire in me to be independent unleashed itself in the form of Cyberlab777 now Ganith.
During the last couple of years I've read a lot of books on business. But it wasn't until I read the book The 4-hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss that I found something which took me in a new direction. If you have read the book and heard Tim speak, he's all about outsourcing and keeping things simple.
Inspired by the idea of keeping this simple, I have now ventured into Ganith along with my bro and Chandru. Yesterday, we went to do our first presentation to Dr. Nathan, yes my first helping hand in WV. It was a successful meet, I am glad that I kept my networks alive. We have a few more scheduled. If things go like I am hoping for it to, I am certain to see my self indulge in my very own business by the birth of 2011.
Note; I have not elaborated on what Ganith provides here for a reason so please feel free to send me a personal email or visit the site for more information on Ganith. If you want to support my efforts with Ganith, please check out the site, there are some advertising opportunities.
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