"Walking gets the feet moving, the blood moving, the mind moving. And movement is life.”
When I read the quote above I didn’t necessarily think of power walking or any fitness walking for that matter. I was thinking about taking a walk to clear the head, rejuvenate the soul, and get the “juices pumping.” Though it’s something that I do enough of everyday– I take my dogs out for a walk daily in the morning and evening, but it is just for the sake of my dogs to do thier business.. not for my self! It's a built-in reason to take a walk. So I’m going to try to do more of the clear your head walk every week... underlining try ;O

My bro and two other friends were helping me continue paint the house in Easter Shore over the weekend and as a treat I decide to drive them down to Rehoboth Beach for some eye candy ;) and good old sea water.. We took 50 to 404 to 14, for those who would like to go, it is a beautiful/quite beach away from all the crowd and drama in OC. It was my first trip and I loved it!! Yippiddy, do,da, giddyup, little horsey, where my imagination can run to the outer perimeters of a sane mind, where I can think that my not being, where the hell I should be be at any given time, will make any kind of a difference at all. Like the rolling tides, as they kiss the beach, displacing every foot print, or sand castle, or candy wrapper that was left behind, I will be gone, abandoning all the bull-shit I left behind for my day at the beach...after spending the day at the beach we came back home to smoke hookah!! lol! I must say it was quite a day :)
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