I have to agree with one of my pal....I don't know whats up with "my feelings" about pardesi!
So anyway..today was a pretty decent day at work.. busy. Then I met with an old friend and I must say she looked great in her jeans...they were very nice actually...
I was talking to her and her boyfriend when I got a call from another "friend" ( Indian too ) and he upon hearing my friend asks is she Indian? with a tone! .. F off! I exclaimed and hanged up on him.
So if you're Asian and surround yourself with other Asians people say, "omg you're so Asian!" but if you're white and surround yourself with your pretty white bubble it's normal. and if you're Asian and surround yourself with white people you're considered a "cool Asian."
Ever been frustrated but so apathetic because you realize the absurdity of the situation and so the only thing that comes out is laughter?
I may appear apathetic, but I'm probably just lost in thought over some really stupid detail or find the situation too absurd to bother with a reaction. whatever I suck at expressing positive feelings. ;)
I mean, I pride myself to be an Indian, at-least the cultural and historical part of it. There might be cases when people go crazy over how a girl should behave and whats allowed or not, but I believe that's more because of many men and old grandmas who want to be in control. There might be the pollution or how dirty every place is or how corrupted everyone is (and yes they are) or how many people are still so narrow-minded and the legal system. But yet I think one should not forget where they come from. Anyway its time I go to bed for I have an early breakfast meeting to go to tomorrow.. work related :(
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