It was a bright and sunny afternoon in Mid April by the Kittamaqundi Lake in Columbia; the ducks, Red-necked Grebe, American Bittern and Orange-crowned Warbler were out and about in search of shelter from the hot waves. Self was waiting for his friend and it wasn't long before something caught his eye, or should I say someone!!
Self was waiting for his friend Daniele to arrive; they had planned lunch and movie at the Lake Side Mall. Daniele being a genteel type of girl, her father had instructed her not to drive alone to the mall. Self was waiting to pick her up as the lake was in walking distance to her house.
Ironically Kittamaqundi named after the first Indian settlement in Howard County translates to "meeting place” in the tribe's language. While waiting for Daniele, self could not help notice the new arrival at the lake side. Tall, slim framed with elegance about her, and her eyes, her brownish green eyes staunching as he was hypnotized. She looked directly at self and smiled, feeling the chemistry from across the path, but not understanding what it meant, self looked at the floor and prayed Daniele wouldn't be too long. Within a second of this thought Daniele turned up and off they went on their lunch/movie date. Her eyes speak to the soul and my heart aches for her.
Later that evening as self was helping out at the restaurant that Daniele’s father owned 'she' walked in. Straight up to the counter and asked self for a table. With trembling excitement at heart self felt her penetrating stare as he steered her to a table.
"How many of you?" he asked.
“It will be three of us” she smiled.
As she was about to be seated she turned around and grabbed his wrist and said;
“Can I please get some ice cold water?”
I could swear self felt a small electric shock at touch of her as self just stood there, not knowing what to do, still as a statue, frozen! Luckily Daniele shouted across the room, asking self to help her out at the register, shaken out of the minute silence;
“Certainly Maam.”
Self answered and dutifully went to help Daniele.
Two ladies came over to the register and introduced themselves as Aarthi & Manmeet. They went on to explain that it was their friend Syma’s Birthday and so were wondering if the restaurant lights can be tuned off for a moment to lit candles on the cake that they sneaked in. Syma, what a beautiful name he thought to himself. How old is she, wonders where she lives, as these thoughts cluttered, he said;
“Why of course? Did you guys need a lighter?”
For a moment there self was so caught up in the excitement of knowing her name, he had taken the liberty to make these decisions without consulting Daniele or her father. Thankfully Daniele was right by the side and had heard the conversation;
“Did you guys want us to take a picture for you too?” Daniele jumped in.
“Sure, that will be awesome” the girls replied.
As self left to turn the lights off his heart was racing, having never kissed a girl before he had an odd feeling swell up from inside him, he had to use all his strength to hold back this almighty urge to kiss her right on the lips.
Making it back to the relative safety of the register self began balancing the drawer, this kept him occupied until closing time. As the last customer left and self gave a cheery goodbye, he couldn't help noticing that, Syma, was still seated. She stood up and walked towards the door that he was holding open, as she walked past; self wondered if he would ever see those eyes again? If he would ever get an opportunity to spend time with her? Just then Syma turned around, walked up to him and planted a hard and warm kiss right on his lips. Then she walked away into the night without a word.
Syma the mystery kisser with the hazel eyes left unanswered questions on his lips and now self wanted more. He stood there, for what seemed like an hour, just looking down the path, looking for her, but she was gone and his lips felt good, different, but good.
dedicated to - Syma
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