While standing in the grocery food store line, somethings I noticed in my neighbor's basket. And I think: 4 Case of beer, 3 gallon of red wine, 4 chicken breast, 2 liver, 4 bacon, 4 ham, 4 steaks, 4 fish, 5 lobster, 4 clams, 8 dz. eggs, 3 gallon milk, 2 cheese, 2 cottage cheese, 2 butter, 4 pk potato chips, 4 assorted dips, 5 pickles, 2 ketchup, 2 mustard, 3 pk hot dog, 4 hot dog buns, 2 loaf of bread, 2 flour, 3 bag of sugar, 4 box of oatmeal cereal, 4 orange juice, 3 assorted can goods, 2 cooking oil, 3 spices, 2 ice cream, 20 assorted t.v dinners, 2 bag of flour, 3 bag of sugar, 2 box of brown sugar, 3 gallon of vanilla ice cream, 25lb can of coffee, 125lb of rice, 3 Max pack of macaroni & cheese & about/atleast 20 candles. And one mini box of Lactose!!! ( digestive advantage med) ** ermm ** Don't you think?? Maybe it is just me! Or maybe it is a bachelor preparing for the End of the World!
Exactly what I thought!