
| Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Je n'ai jamais dit a personne de mal quelqu'un;
Car ce n'est pas du tou mon but;
Et si tu me connaissais, tu verrais que;
Je suis le gars le plus calme de toute cet endroit;
Souvent la passion nous emporte et on dit des choses qu'on ne pense pas vraiment!

:ceci pour vous mon frere:


  1. You should have a translated version.

    p.s: Can you take out the "word verification" for the comment. It's kinda annoying.

  2. "i didnt say bad about someone??..... and if you know me, you would see that..... *blank*" lol. i only understood this much. anyway i see that it's for your brother. so, me no pokin nose. ;)

    yeah, i agree. it would be really nice if you take out the verification thing.

  3. I am annoyed myself with the word verification... but as soon as I remove it I get mess like ;
    "Anonymous said...
    I was browsing .... a neat blog. keep it up ... blah blah crap!

    But anyway; the translated version.. will be provided by Mr Shan. If he fails I shall let one another lady try before letting myself in the picture again.. :)

  4. Change your comment type as "registered user only".

  5. Yeah.. but I do have few un registered viewers .. So I am not too sure abt that.. will see how it goes for a while.. and will go from then..
    But trust me I FEEEELLL you!

  6. Je n'ai jamais dit a personne de mal quelqu'un;
    Car ce n'est pas du tou mon but;
    Et si tu me connaissais, tu verrais que;
    Je suis le gars le plus calme de toute cet endroit;
    Souvent la passion nous emporte et on dit des choses qu'on ne pense pas vraiment! . . . OK OK Here i come to the save the day . . .

    I've never said bad about anyone because its not my goal at all.And if you know me, you will see/know that i am a very clam guy in this area.Quite often we say things we don't mean/think twice even though how bonded we are!

    No matter how much you understand the text its quite hard to translate . .

  7. and SHIT . .I hate the WORD VERIFICATION CRAP toooo !!!


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