"Jegan, take care of the car, drive carefully, remember your are supposed to obey the speed limit!" You know, enough is enough! First of all I never had any accident prior to the recent ones . It is not all my fault!!!! And what is it with " you are supposed to obey.."
"Supposed" is a dead word. which means it (supposed) is a word without an actual prototype behind it, so your sentence is basically meaningless... equivalent to an animal grunting. An expression of emotion. Let me ask, is there a good reason to drive the speed limit?
Aren't speed limits, in reality, arbitrary?
After all... different vehicles, different drivers, different traffic conditions and different weather conditions make for a different safe speed. Even on a road which is slightly curvy where the speed limit is 55, whats wrong with hitting 70 on the stretches?
In any event, thats not what I meant, it is just a general observation about how silly it is that it is generally accepted that we are to become angry at people who drive the speed limit.
Rememeber your strict adherence to other peoples rules, without any amount of logical thought is quite unfortunate.
And just so you know; I drive the speed limit too. But thats because I'm not an especially good driver yet and me driving the limit has nothing to do with the arbitrary limits set by some unknown face to me! A strong believer in learning each & every step on my own!
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