Catch the Drift. . .

| Sunday, October 16, 2011
I am just four pages into the The Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: How We Got to Be So Hated by Gore Vidal and am spell bounded! The next in line is Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror nu David Hoffman as it is recommended by Sir Vidal himself!

The last few months of my reading really dropped off, but it tends to go in cycles. I started reading when I was in my primary school, at that time it was all about the web chronicles of Spider man!  Then in my later part I read books with a lot of sentiments and love stories. And today I see myself inclined more towards the non fictional, biographic, real stuff, religious, atheistic, books.  I do now know what tomorrow will bring to me but I can assure you it will increase my general knowledge, as I have learned stuff off of books that I did not at school. It increased my language skills as I absorb in the reading material. I get more creative through reading books, so in the near future,  I will have more ideas for writing more perspectives. So, I encourage you to get along with me and start reading....


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