KING KONG, I would say this is a pretty good remake of a movie and I'm sad to say that it won't be doing big in the box offices even though at times it should.
Everyone knows the story...crew finds ape, ape hooks up with girl, ape goes back to NYC, ape dies. But Mr. Jackson either needs to learn the word 'cut', or utilize his editors. Two hours in I looked at the time a was dumbfounded that the storyline had not yet taken us back to New York.

Kong himself was perfectly animated (acted out by Andy Serkis) and his facial movements were highly expressive without being cartoonish. I felt I was watching an actual 25-foot ape. The scenery of the island was especially stunning.The CG was done very well visually throughout the film, but the animations through many of the action scenes seemed a little too fluid and blurred, and I never felt any danger whatsoever from the other creatures.
Jurassic Park may have used more animatronics but I believe the effect in that film was more realistic and frightening.

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