Dark yet bright!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Ermm let see it is 4:38 a.m. when I wake up from a total of four hours of fitful sleep punctuated by formless dreams. Early..very early Tuesday morning. My first rumination is that I'd rather be asleep, but since its a want and not a need, I don't have much say in the matter but move forward.
Insomnia will not bargain, as I have long-ago learned. The moonlight shines through the jittering leaves outside, falls through my window and paints idiot faces on the wall ;) I threw on clothes, socks, shoes; I've no idea what I'm wearing because I did not turn on my lights. As I was saying.. don't want to spoil the lovely, dark peace of this quiet hour. I manage to make my way all the way through the house without bumping into anything; silent testimony to how long I've lived in this place. How well we know each other!

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