It all started with my all time comic Hero Spider Man, I read all kinds of stuff: books, magazines, newspapers, blogs, and even micro blogs like Twitter. I also read a wide variety of genres. My tastes are very eclectic. Mostly, I just enjoying discovering and experiencing new things. Am I posting for a profile, one might ask! But no, I am just stating this.
Anyway currently I am reading two books that I like to share:
God is not great and The love dare.
God is not great is filled with venom and vitriol that it is easy to get caught up in the passion and not pay much attention to what is actually being said, which is smart and well-thought-out. In fact, it shows a lifetime of thought, as it stretches from Christoper Hitchens as a child to Hitchens as a disgruntled adult. Christoper Hitchens is the author btw. However, this well-thought-out thesis is damaged by something that has plagued all people throughout time, and one that was recently brought up in a History Channel presentation about the influence of the Star Wars movies on our culture (yes, Star Wars. It's relevant.). One of the commentators brought up Anakin Skywalker's somewhat immature comment "If you're not with me, you're my enemy," and Obi-Wan's response "Only a Sith deals in absolutes."
Hence; I think if the book had simply been titled "How Religion Poisons Everything I would have agreed to it more. And not to forget the fact that I was/am looking for some sort of continuum! ;)
The Love Dare was presented to me buy a buddy.. the book is about trying to be better spouses and be more patient, we are faced with wifes/husbands who are the antithesis to everything in this book. The Love Dare's answer to that? Love is unconditional. BULLSHIT I said! LMAO.
But go ahead and read it if you can ... quite interesting. FYI- is a "christened" book by Stephen Kendrick.
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